MDPHP (3′,4′-Methylenedioxy-α-pyrrolidinohexiophenone) Monkey Dust is a stimulant of the cathinone class originally developed in the 1960s, which has been reported as a novel designer drug. In the UK its slang name is monkey dust. It is closely related to the potent stimulant MDPV though with slightly milder effects, and has been used as an alternative in some countries following the banning of MDPV
What is Monkey Dust?
Monkey Dust is a powerful stimulant drug. The nickname usually refers to the substance MDPHP. However, several slight chemical variants with similar effects are also in circulation.
Roughly, Monkey Dust can be understood as a smokable, stronger, more compulsive and riskier variant of mephedrone & 3-MMC – similarly to how crystal meth is a smokable, stronger, more compulsive and riskier variant of speed.
Monkey Dust has seen increasing use in parts of the Berlin chemsex scene and in certain sex clubs since 2023. It is not prevalent in techno clubs.
Monkey Dust can come as crystals, chunks or as a fine powder, ranging in color from off-white to brown. Certain forms may have a smell resembling that of cum.
Caution: According to users, Monkey Dust can especially easily lead to a loss of control over the amount and duration of use. Reports of side effects including anxiety and paranoia are common. The risk of experiencing such consequences is described as even higher than with crystal meth. Support services have recently reported a notable prevalence of monkey dust use among those seeking professional help in connection with chemsex.
Little is known about Monkey Dust at this point. It is a “new psychoactive substance” or “research chemical” with hardly any scientifically proven facts available regarding risks, side effects and long-term consequences. Expertise within the community is similarly lacking – including on the question of whether and how the use of Monkey Dust can be kept unproblematic over time.
Chemically, Monkey Dust belongs to a particular subset of the synthetic cathinones, a class of stimulant drugs. The members of that subset are sometimes called “pyros”, as they are variations of a substance called pyrovalerone (PV). MDPV was the first member of this group that spread as a recreational drug from around 2010, and which was first nicknamed “monkey dust”. Further sibling substances are known as α-PVP and α-PHiP (alias alpha-PiHP or A-PHiP). In other scenes, monkey dust may be called “PeeVee” or “Flex”.
Beware of mix-ups: has reported multiple incidences of supposed mephedrone samples turning out to be alpha-PHiP. Sporadically, alpha-PiHP has also turned up in 2-CB pills. Due to the differing dosages and durations of action, as well as possible side effects, such a mix-up or mislabeling is particularly dangerous!
How is Monkey Dust taken?
Monkey Dust is usually smoked. It may also be snorted, parachuted (swallowed, e.g. in a gelcap or wrapped in rolling paper), boofed (inserted rectally, dissolved in a little water) or slammed (injected intravenously).
The substance MDPHP has the distinctive property of being available in two different forms: as a freebase or hydrochloride salt (HCl). Because the freebase is insoluble in water and tends to clog mucous membranes, it isn’t suitable for snorting or boofing.

Beware: Precise dosing is often practically impossible because the concentration and purity of different batches varies widely. Drug checking can identify the exact substance you have and its purity.
How does it feel?

Caution: Substances can have different effects on different people. The effects depend on factors such as body mass, tolerance, dose and current stomach contents (in case of oral use). Your mental and physical condition and the setting play an important role.
Monkey Dust can have the following effects:
- stimulation
- sexual desire
- disinhibition
- increased motivation
- wakefulness
- suppressed hunger and thirst
- euphoria
- sociability
- increased focus
- self-confidence
- hallucinations
- urge to redose
You may experience attraction to more people and different kinds of people than when you are sober.
Side effects and long-term impact

The following chapters on side effects and long-term effects are mainly based on user experiences and reports.
Common side effects
- increased heart rate
- high blood pressure
- anxiety
- dry mouth
- headache
- sweating
- jaw clenching (“gurning”)
- increased aggression
- nausea
- erection problems
- muscle twitching
In case of overdose
- life-threatening overheating
- severe increase in blood pressure
- severe increase in heart rate
- dangerous psychotic states
These symptoms can occur when coming down and after use:
- anxiety
- paranoia and delusions
- feelings of guilt
- insomnia
- headache and aching limbs
- exhaustion
- listlessness
- memory lapses
- problems concentrating
- inner restlessness
- muscle cramps
Long-term impact
With increasing duration and/or frequency of use, the following effects become more and more likely:
- psychosis
- exhaustion
- cardiovascular problems
- weakened immune system (and thus more frequent infections)
- severe weight loss
- depression
- social withdrawal
If you feel persistently unwell, overheated or anxious, seek medical help.
If you find an unconscious person, check whether they are breathing, provide first aid and call an ambulance (112).
Michael607 –
Its good and amazing stuff, but i have a problem with it. The effects are gettin stronger each time like 2x.. Idk why
Ron –
This website should be rank amongst top 3 research chemical site on the internet
Bensonrock601 –
TD verified 👍